Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

This past week, I was nominated by That Traveling Nurse for The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award! Check out her blog, it is so wonderful, but not as wonderful as her!

I feel so grateful and thankful to have received this award (and all of the awards I’ve been nominated for these past few weeks) – I am absolutely amazed that so many of you read my posts, comment, and follow. I never thought I would be so welcomed by the blogging community and honestly, all of your support, motivation, and inspiration has meant so much to me, especially during such a trying time of my life. I sincerely thank you all.

I won’t be nominating anyone else for this award because I’ve nominated quite a few people for the other awards and I don’t want to be a bother. But please know how appreciative and thankful I am.

Okay, so here are my questions:

1. Coffee or tea? Can I say both? It depends on the day honestly
2. Blonde or brunette? Brunette
3. Pink or blue? Blue
4. Roses or sunflowers? I think roses are more beautiful
5. Sunrise or sunset? Sunrises make me feel something special
6. Books or music? Gah…both
7. Emails or postcards? Postcards are cool
8. Modern or rustic? I’m more of a modernist/minimalist
9. Romantic or practical? Romantically practical 
10. World peace or personal bliss? Okaaaay, I’m pretty torn up about this one because I could be selfless and say world peace and that’s my natural inclination, but I’m actually on the pursuit of personal bliss – so I think I’m going to be selfish and say personal bliss

There ya go!

I will be posting a few new posts this week, so stay tuned!

*I was also nominated by The Exceptional Everyday and Small Town Blogger for the Versatile Blogger Award and I am so thankful and appreciative! I’ve actually been nominated before as well and here’s my post on it!

4 thoughts on “Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

  1. I like the fact that you were honest enough to say personal bliss. And I don’t think it is being selfish. How can we “save the world” if we ourselves needed to be saved? Charity begins at home. 🙂


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